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Mafra, Malveira,

550.000 € Warehouse (ref: 113240042)

Private area
Gallery About General features Location and accessibility
  • Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 50
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 50
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 17
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 43
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 42
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 56
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 57
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 61
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 62
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 46
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 48
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 64
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 53
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 54
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 55
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 58
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 59
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 60
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 63
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 72
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 73
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 75
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 67
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 68
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 69
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 70
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 71
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 74
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 77
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 78
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 76
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 85
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 86
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 87
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 81
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 83
Warehouse  Mafra, Malveira - 68808 - 84

Mafra, Malveira, 550.000 €

Warehouse (ref: 113240042)

About the property Two warehouses with a total area of 750 m2. These warehouses are located within a plot that also includes a house. Currently, the owner has requested a division of this plot, where the two warehouses will be on one parcel, and the house will be on a separate parcel. This process is pending approval from the Municipal Council. The sale price mentioned is for the parcel of land containing the two warehouses.
Carvoeiroazul - Mediação Imobiliária Lda - AMI 10437
General features
General information Features Certification
  • Reference 113240042
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 550.000 €
  • Region Lisboa
  • District Lisboa
  • County Mafra
  • Civil Parish Malveira e São Miguel de Alcainça
  • Area Malveira
  • Gross Private Area 750m²
  • Gross Construction Area 457m²
  • Net area 637m²
  • Plot Area 2275m²
  • State Used
General Basement;
Building Building complex (Habitation), Equipment (Gardens);
District/Area/Location Access (Airport, Good, Highway, Public transport), Centralization (Outskirts), Proximity (Bakery, Banks, Beaches, Clinic, Fire department, Gardens, Gymnasium, Hospital, Kindergarten, Pharmacy, Police, Public services, Schools, Supermarket);
Garage Automatic gate, Location (Basement);
Hvac Geyser, Central heating (Complete);
Water Borehole, Mains (water);
Exemption under Article 4 of DL No 118/2013 of August 20.
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Location and accessibility
  • Schools
  • Banks
  • Shops
  • Hospitals
  • Transportation
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