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Odemira, Countryside,

550.000 € Terreno com ruina (ref: 105220071)

Plot Area
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  • Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 35
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Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 35
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 23
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 58
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 69
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 24
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 22
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 25
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 28
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 29
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 30
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 31
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 32
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 33
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 34
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 48
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 49
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 50
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 55
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 56
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 58
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 59
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 62
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 70
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 59
Terreno com ruina  Odemira, Countryside - 57074 - 60

Odemira, Countryside, 550.000 €

Terreno com ruina (ref: 105220071)

About the property This remarkable estate encompasses a generous expanse of 90 hectares and is situated in the outskirts of the picturesque village of Sabóia, near Odemira. Located in a serene rural region where mountains and fields bestow a tranquil atmosphere, this property offers a truly privileged location.

Its positioning is strategic, being a short 10-minute drive from the peaceful Santa Clara Dam, which provides moments of calm and leisure. Furthermore, it is approximately 30 minutes away from the stunning beaches of Costa Vicentina, particularly the renowned Zambujeira do Mar. Additionally, the property is conveniently close to the Santa Clara-Sabóia train station, which is just 4 kilometers away. This station is part of the Lisbon-Algarve railway line, ensuring extremely convenient access from various directions.

The land in question carries a classification that allows for the restoration of approximately 695 square meters of scattered ruins across the flat area of the property. Furthermore, it offers notable flexibility for investment.

The property is easily accessible, with dirt roads in excellent condition, ensuring unhindered exploration. The landscape of the property is distinguished by its topographical variation, featuring an elevated area adorned with pine and eucalyptus plantations, intertwined with several watercourses converging into a flatter, lush area where pastures and orchards stand out.

The lower part of the land is suitable for a wide range of activities, from agriculture and agro-forestry to agro-pastoral endeavors. Here, you'll find numerous olive trees and cork oak trees that also yield valuable cork production.

Along the property's edge flows a stream bordered by lush vegetation, where a small dam retains water year-round. This breathtaking natural setting offers a unique and captivating beauty that delights the senses.

In addition to the aforementioned features, it is essential to highlight that this property provides exceptional opportunities for Establishments in the Hospitality sector associated with areas such as health, sports, hunting, nature, education, culture, and social activities, as well as projects for Rural Space Tourism Enterprises, Housing Tourism Enterprises, and Nature Tourism Enterprises.
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Máscarazul - Mediação Imobiliária Lda - AMI 8904
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 105220071
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 550.000 €
  • Region Alentejo
  • District Beja
  • County Odemira
  • Civil Parish Sabóia
  • Area Countryside
  • Gross Private Area 695,15m²
  • Gross Construction Area 0m²
  • Net area 695,15m²
  • Plot Area 892500m²
  • State N/A
Exemption under Article 4 of DL No 118/2013 of August 20.
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Location and accessibility
  • Schools
  • Banks
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  • Hospitals
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