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Alcochete, Alcochete,

10.000.000 € Stand (ref: 109240080)

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Alcochete, Alcochete, 10.000.000 €

Stand (ref: 109240080)

About the property Land with a total area of 155,680m², located in Alcochete, in a privileged location with views over the Vasco da Gama bridge and the Lisbon horizon.
This land, already with a PIP (Request for Prior Information) for a senior residence project with a positive opinion from the Alcochete City Council, where it foresees a construction area of 14,886m² and a gross construction area of 25,693m², promises to be a prominent development in the region.
The PIP includes the possibility of building 3 floors above ground and 2 floors below ground.
Only 25 minutes from Lisbon and with a location close to the center of Alcochete, the land offers easy access to several highways, ensuring a quick and efficient connection to the main points of interest.
The combination of its location, the panoramic views it provides, and the preparation for a senior residential project make this land an investment opportunity of great interest.
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Parque Azul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda - AMI 12029
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 109240080
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 10.000.000 €
  • Region Costa Azul
  • District Setúbal
  • County Alcochete
  • Civil Parish Alcochete
  • Area N/A
  • Gross Private Area 0m²
  • Gross Construction Area 0m²
  • Net area 0m²
  • Plot Area 155680m²
  • State N/A
Exemption under Article 4 of DL No 118/2013 of August 20.
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