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Lisboa, Misericórdia,

300.000 € Shop (ref: 103240267)

Private area
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Lisboa, Misericórdia, 300.000 €

Shop (ref: 103240267)

About the property The property is located in a building situated in a historic area, which can add cultural value and attractiveness to the property. The flexibility to convert the shop into a 50m2 housing unit may be appealing to those seeking a real estate investment opportunity with rental potential or for those wishing to live in a prime location.

The independent entrance offers privacy and convenience, while the 50m2 space can be considered sufficient to accommodate a compact residential unit or a commercial space, depending on the buyer's needs and preferences.

It requires total renovations, meaning that a complete remodeling may be necessary to adapt the space to the intended new use.

The proximity to the Santa Catarina viewpoint, Chiado, and the riverside area is a clear asset to its location. Its location in an extremely calm and charming area is noteworthy, which may be attractive to those who value tranquility and a pleasant environment.

Sotheby's International Realty has nearly 300 years of history as a renowned company responsible for transacting luxury properties. Sotheby's International Realty has been present in Portugal since 2007 with the mission: 'The art of uniting extraordinary homes with extraordinary lives
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Travessiazul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda - AMI 8671
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 103240267
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 300.000 €
  • Region Lisboa
  • District Lisboa
  • County Lisboa
  • Civil Parish Misericórdia
  • Area N/A
  • Gross Private Area 50m²
  • Gross Construction Area 0m²
  • Net area 42m²
  • Plot Area 0m²
  • State Used
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Location and accessibility
  • Schools
  • Banks
  • Shops
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