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Cascais, Malveira da Serra,

700.000 € Real Estate (ref: 113240162)

Gallery About General features Location and accessibility
  • Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 37
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 37
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 31
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 4
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 5
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 6
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 7
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 8
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 14
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 9
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 10
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 11
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 12
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 13
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 17
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 16
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 15
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 26
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 27
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 28
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 35
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 29
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 33
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 34
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 36
Stand  Cascais, Malveira da Serra - 70634 - 2

Cascais, Malveira da Serra, 700.000 €

Real Estate (ref: 113240162)

About the property In Malveira da Serra, this rustic farm offers an opportunity for those seeking a rural retreat with potential for organic agricultural exploration. The property stands out due to its strategic location, just a 15-minute drive from Cascais and 30 minutes from Lisbon, providing a perfect balance between the tranquility of the countryside and proximity to urban centers.

With a plot of 8202 m², this farm features a spacious agricultural shed, ideal for supporting cultivation activities. The vast land area allows for the implementation of various agricultural projects, especially focused on organic production, taking advantage of the region's fertile soil and mild climate.

The property not only offers ample outdoor spaces for cultivation and leisure but also benefits from excellent accessibility. It is located a short distance from the main access roads, facilitating logistics for the distribution of agricultural products and the movement of residents.

In terms of services, the proximity to Cascais ensures access to a variety of amenities, including supermarkets, schools, hospitals, and a wide range of dining options. The nearest train station, located in Cascais, provides a quick and efficient connection to Lisbon and other surrounding areas.

One of the main highlights of this farm is the unobstructed view and proximity to the ocean and Guincho Beach.

Malveira da Serra is an area rich in natural beauty, with various options for outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and trail exploration. The proximity to the Sintra Mountains and the region's beaches also adds value to the location, making this farm an excellent choice for those seeking a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature.

This property stands out not only for its area and potential for agricultural development but also for the quality of life it provides to its residents. An opportunity for those seeking a solid and sustainable investment.
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Cascaisazul - Mediação Imobiliária Lda - AMI 23153
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 113240162
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 700.000 €
  • Region Estoril, Cascais, Sintra
  • District Lisboa
  • County Cascais
  • Civil Parish Alcabideche
  • Area Malveira da Serra
  • Gross Private Area 8202m²
  • Gross Construction Area 0m²
  • Net area 0m²
  • Plot Area 0m²
  • State N/A
Exemption under Article 4 of DL No 118/2013 of August 20.
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Location and accessibility
  • Schools
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  • Hospitals
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