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Lourinhã, Lourinha,

1.000.000 € Real estate land (ref: 102180159)

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Lourinhã, Lourinha, 1.000.000 €

Real estate land (ref: 102180159)

About the property Land in a fantastic location, on the western edge of Europe, bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, between the beaches of Areia Branca and S. Bernardino, with views of Berlengas. Located on a gently sloping site, facing south, it enjoys excellent sun exposure and full sea views. The beaches have fine golden sand and calm, clear waters, where there are countless recreational and artisanal fishing boats. The property is surrounded by agricultural land, where greenery and rural silence predominate. Ideal location for investment as a luxury tourist development, where you can enjoy the sun, sea and nature at its best.
Authorization to build tourist/housing units up to 800 square meters, with favorable order from the Chamber.
Sotheby's International Realty has almost 300 years of history as a renowned company responsible for transacting luxury goods. It has been present in Portugal since 2007 with ten offices and more than 200 highly qualified professionals available to satisfy you. Its mission is "The art of uniting extraordinary homes with extraordinary lives." Do not hesitate to contact us if this opportunity is of interest to you!
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Sinalazul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda - AMI 7744
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 102180159
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 1.000.000 €
  • Region N/A
  • District Lisboa
  • County Lourinhã
  • Civil Parish Lourinhã e Atalaia
  • Area Lourinha
  • Gross Private Area 0m²
  • Gross Construction Area 800m²
  • Net area 0m²
  • Plot Area 25520m²
  • State N/A
Exemption under Article 4 of DL No 118/2013 of August 20.
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