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Mafra, Ericeira,

895.000 € Real Estate (ref: 102240127)

Construction area
Plot Area
Gallery About General features Location and accessibility
  • Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 1
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 1
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 2
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 5
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 3
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 4
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 6
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 7
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 8
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 9
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 10
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 11
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 12
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 13
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 14
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 15
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 16
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 17
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 18
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 19
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 20
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 21
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 22
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 23
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 24
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 25
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 26
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 27
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 28
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 29
Real Estate  Mafra, Ericeira - 70307 - 30

Mafra, Ericeira, 895.000 €

Real Estate (ref: 102240127)

About the property Situated in an agricultural and forestry rustic PDM (Municipal Master Plan) area, the land is in a quiet zone surrounded by vegetation, including eucalyptus, pine, and fruit trees, accessible by a dirt road, offering unobstructed mountain views.

The property includes an agricultural outbuilding in ruins, with an area of 54 m².

It is close to the Camping Park and Ribeira D'Ilhas Beach.

See PDM - Complementary Agricultural Spaces, section III - article 20.

The building regulations for this area allow for:

The construction of residential buildings with a maximum total area of 300 m², or,
Buildings supporting agricultural, forestry, livestock, or equestrian activities, or,
Buildings for commercial or industrial establishments and equipment, with a maximum total construction area of up to 1,000 m², or,
Buildings intended for restaurant and beverage establishments, with a maximum total area of 300 m², or,
Buildings intended for tourism enterprises, with a maximum total construction area of 2,000 m².
The provided information is for informational purposes only and cannot be considered binding. Consultation and confirmation with the Mafra City Council are recommended.

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Sinalazul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda - AMI 7744
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 102240127
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 895.000 €
  • Region Lisboa
  • District Lisboa
  • County Mafra
  • Civil Parish Ericeira
  • Area N/A
  • Gross Private Area 0m²
  • Gross Construction Area 300m²
  • Net area 0m²
  • Plot Area 20562m²
  • State N/A
Exemption under Article 4 of DL No 118/2013 of August 20.
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Location and accessibility
  • Schools
  • Banks
  • Shops
  • Hospitals
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