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Loulé, Almancil,

795.000 € Mixed Real Estate (ref: 105240109)

Plot Area
Gallery About General features Location and accessibility
  • Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 5
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 5
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 4
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 16
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 3
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 6
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 7
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 8
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 9
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 10
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 11
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 12
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 13
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 14
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 15
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 17
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 18
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 19
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 20
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 21
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 22
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 23
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 24
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 25
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 26
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 27
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 1
Mixed Real Estate  Loulé, Almancil - 69659 - 2

Loulé, Almancil, 795.000 €

Mixed Real Estate (ref: 105240109)

About the property Land of 3327 m2, located in the central area of Almancil, a few meters from all services.
There is an ongoing process to change areas, subsequently totaling 4600 m2.
We are also awaiting a PIP, already issued by the Loulé City Council, determining the exact areas suitable for urban construction.
Máscarazul - Mediação Imobiliária Lda - AMI 8904
General features
General information
  • Reference 105240109
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 795.000 €
  • Region Algarve
  • District Faro
  • County Loulé
  • Civil Parish Almancil
  • Area Almancil
  • Gross Private Area 0m²
  • Gross Construction Area 0m²
  • Net area 0m²
  • Plot Area 3327m²
  • State N/A
Contact us +351 289 984 739*
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*Call to the national fixed network
Location and accessibility
  • Schools
  • Banks
  • Shops
  • Hospitals
  • Transportation
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