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Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz,

90.000 € Lot (ref: 111230379)

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Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, 90.000 €

Lot (ref: 111230379)

About the property Located in the serene parish of Santa Cruz, this unique plot offers the perfect setting for a luxurious lifestyle. Its main feature is a permanent panoramic view over Santa Cruz, the Atlantic Ocean, and the airport, without sacrificing tranquility.

With a total area of 1401 square meters, this exclusive plot offers a wide variety of construction options. The maximum allowed impermeabilization index is 50 percent, with the possibility of building up to 300 square meters of gross area with a maximum height of 10 meters. The plot is oriented to the east, west, south, and north, ensuring superb sun exposure throughout the day.

The location of this plot is simply unmatched. Just five minutes by car from the main roads, it provides quick and easy access to all the amenities you might need. It is eight minutes from the airport, five minutes from restaurants and schools, and only 13 minutes from an emergency service. The convenience of supermarkets is also guaranteed, with a distance of just eight minutes by car.

In addition to the proximity to all these services, the plot is located in an isolated and exclusive area, providing unique privacy. This is a rare opportunity to acquire a space that offers the best of both worlds: the comfort and convenience of modern life, combined with the tranquility and serenity of nature.

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Funchalazul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda - AMI 12892
General features
General information
  • Reference 111230379
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 90.000 €
  • Region Madeira
  • District Ilha da Madeira
  • County Santa Cruz
  • Civil Parish Santa Cruz
  • Area N/A
  • Gross Private Area 0m²
  • Gross Construction Area 0m²
  • Net area 0m²
  • Plot Area 1401m²
  • State N/A
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Location and accessibility
  • Schools
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  • Hospitals
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