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Albufeira, Countryside,

499.000 € House (ref: 105230372)

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Albufeira, Countryside, 499.000 €

House (ref: 105230372)

About the property Old Farm with historic manor house with 477 sq.m. of built área, in original condition, The land of 24 880 sq.m. is flat and with excellent farmland. Property located 2 km from the center of Paderne, 13 km from Albufeira beaches and 40 km from Faro airport.
This farm has great potential for various types of residential projects in the field, agriculture, tourism, residential, senior home. For purposes of rural tourism, the property can even increase the construction área up to 2000 sq.m. An excellent opportunity for your future investment.
Máscarazul - Mediação Imobiliária Lda - AMI 8904
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 105230372
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 499.000 €
  • Region Algarve
  • District Faro
  • County Albufeira
  • Civil Parish Paderne
  • Area Countryside
  • Gross Private Area 477m²
  • Gross Construction Area 477m²
  • Net area 207m²
  • Plot Area 24880m²
  • State Used
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