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Lisboa, São Sebastião,

529.000 € Flat 3 Bedrooms (ref: 109240099)

Private area
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Lisboa, São Sebastião, 529.000 €

Flat 3 Bedrooms (ref: 109240099)

About the property 3+2 bedroom apartment to renovate, located in the center of Lisbon, with a premium location in one of the city's noblest areas, five minutes from El Corte Inglês, close to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, next to Saldanha, in an emblematic building from the 1950s, extremely well preserved, with recent total refurbishment works that included façade, back and roof, new installation of electricity, water and gas lines and elevator.
The apartment, which has 100 m2 of gross private area, is on the sixth floor and consists of a living room (19 m2), kitchen (12 m2), pantry (2 m2), three bedrooms each with 7 m2, two offices (6 m2 and 5 m2) and a bathroom (3 m2), a laundry area that is supported by an unobstructed balcony with a clothesline.
The property, with two fronts, enjoys sun exposure throughout the day.
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Parque Azul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda - AMI 12029
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 109240099
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 529.000 €
  • Region Lisboa
  • District Lisboa
  • County Lisboa
  • Civil Parish Avenidas Novas
  • Area São Sebastião
  • Gross Private Area 100m²
  • Gross Construction Area 100m²
  • Net area 85m²
  • Plot Area 0m²
  • State Used
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Location and accessibility
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