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Lisboa, Estrela,

1.250.000 € Flat 4 Bedrooms (ref: 109240075)

Private area
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Lisboa, Estrela, 1.250.000 €

Flat 4 Bedrooms (ref: 109240075)

About the property Located in the parish of Estrela, this 178 sqm apartment is the perfect setting for those seeking comfort, elegance, and practicality in one place. With three spacious bedrooms and an office, this property offers the ideal space to accommodate the whole family with comfort and privacy.

Additionally, the presence of a private garage brings convenience and security to the residents, ensuring a safe place to park their vehicles. The storage area is also a plus, providing additional space to store objects and belongings in an organized manner.

The prime location in Lapa, known for its cultural and bohemian atmosphere, offers a variety of leisure, dining, and entertainment options. With easy access to parks, restaurants, bars, and cultural centers, the residents of this apartment enjoy a vibrant and diverse urban life.

In summary, the 190m² apartment in Lapa is the ideal place for those seeking a refined lifestyle, with comfort, security, and proximity to the best options the city has to offer. With careful and planned renovation, it is possible to transform this space into a true dream home.
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Parque Azul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda - AMI 12029
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 109240075
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 1.250.000 €
  • Region Lisboa
  • District Lisboa
  • County Lisboa
  • Civil Parish Estrela
  • Area Estrela
  • Gross Private Area 178m²
  • Gross Construction Area 196,5m²
  • Net area 151,2m²
  • Plot Area 0m²
  • State Recovered
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