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Cascais, Cascais,

Reserved Flat 2 Bedrooms (ref: 113240129)

Private area
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Cascais, Cascais, 3.000 € /month

Flat 2 Bedrooms (ref: 113240129)

About the property First floor apartment with two bedrooms and two bathrooms on Avenida de Pádua. It has a private garden at the front of the apartment and a beautiful terrace at the rear. This apartment also has a huge garage box plus storage room with space for at least three cars and lots of space, such that it even has a workshop table.
Cascaisazul - Mediação Imobiliária Lda - AMI 23153
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 113240129
  • Goal Rent
  • Rental Price 3.000 € /month
  • Region Estoril, Cascais, Sintra
  • District Lisboa
  • County Cascais
  • Civil Parish Cascais e Estoril
  • Area Cascais
  • Gross Private Area 95m²
  • Gross Construction Area 0m²
  • Net area 81m²
  • Plot Area 91m²
  • State Used
  • Licença de Utilização Não existe informação sobre licença de utilização
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