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Cascais, Sassoeiros,

5.000.000 € Farm 15 Bedrooms (ref: 113230009)

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Cascais, Sassoeiros, 5.000.000 €

Farm 15 Bedrooms (ref: 113230009)

About the property
Historic farmhouse, precious heritage from the 18th century, located in Carcavelos. It is currently Cultural Heritage of the Municipality of Cascais. The farm is located on a plot of 6382 m2, with an implantation area of ??855 m2, consisting of 3 buildings with 2 floors (the main noble house and two smaller houses, which includes a chapel). The main house, in good condition, predates the 1755 earthquake, the other two independent houses, of more recent construction, have independent entrances to the Quinta's entrance courtyard. The exterior consists of a main patio, where social events were held, another space of about 900 m2 and a garden area where the swimming pool is located. The Quinta has 3 exit gates and a total parking area for about 20 vehicles. On the ground there is a water hole that irrigates the garden and supplies the swimming pool.

The Quinta has a lot of history, it was once home to aristocratic families. Years later, the farm was acquired by a company, becoming a center of culture and art, where you could enjoy musical shows by candlelight in the garden or in the halls of the main house, as well as art exhibitions (painting, photography and sculpture).
The Quinta is currently being used as a senior residence, on a lease basis. A request was made to the council for information on the potential uses of the farm, which concluded that it could also be used as housing and for tourism purposes, as a boutique hotel.
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Cascaisazul - Mediação Imobiliária Lda - AMI 23153
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 113230009
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 5.000.000 €
  • Region Estoril, Cascais, Sintra
  • District Lisboa
  • County Cascais
  • Civil Parish Carcavelos e Parede
  • Area Sassoeiros
  • Gross Private Area 927m²
  • Gross Construction Area 1350m²
  • Net area 788m²
  • Plot Area 6382m²
  • State N/A
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