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Vila Verde, Coucieiro,

1.350.000 € Farm 7 Bedrooms (ref: 107220022)

Private area
Gallery About General features Location and accessibility
  • Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 23
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 23
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 2
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 1
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 3
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 4
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 5
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 6
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 7
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 8
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 9
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 10
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 11
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 12
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 13
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 14
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 15
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 16
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 17
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 18
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 19
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 20
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 21
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 22
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 24
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 25
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 26
Farm  Vila Verde, Coucieiro - 55580 - 27

Vila Verde, Coucieiro, 1.350.000 €

Farm 7 Bedrooms (ref: 107220022)

About the property Magnificent property in Vila Verde, Braga, with 30198 square meters of land, located less than 40 minutes from the international airport. This asset, which includes a main house and other smaller constructions in the land, has hosted events in the past, thus having all the conditions for it to do so again.
A fantastic option for hotel development as well as a peaceful place to escape the everyday life.
Located a few minutes away from the center of Vila Verde, with access to commerce, supermarkets and services. It is 20 minutes away from Braga.
Boavistazul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda. - AMI 10447
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 107220022
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 1.350.000 €
  • Region Minho
  • District Braga
  • County Vila Verde
  • Civil Parish Coucieiro
  • Area N/A
  • Gross Private Area 463m²
  • Gross Construction Area 602m²
  • Net area 562m²
  • Plot Area 30198m²
  • State N/A
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Location and accessibility
  • Schools
  • Banks
  • Shops
  • Hospitals
  • Transportation
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