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Calheta (Madeira), Arco da Calheta,

2.950.000 € Detached house 4 Bedrooms (ref: 111230192)

Private area
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Calheta (Madeira), Arco da Calheta, 2.950.000 €

Detached house 4 Bedrooms (ref: 111230192)

About the property AURORA is a luxury gem located in Madeira, offering an experience of escape and perfection. Sustainability is a priority, with materials sourced from sustainable origins and a focus on energy efficiency. The spacious areas provide privacy and disconnection, with light-filled spaces throughout the mansion. Each room offers a perfect environment for relaxation and contemplation, with breathtaking sea views, including open bathrooms. Madeira is a beautiful island, with summer-like weather year-round, lush flora, and safety. AURORA offers three luxurious mansions, each with three bedrooms, combining luxury and nature. With amenities such as an infinity pool, heated jacuzzi, and elevator, AURORA meets the highest standards of comfort. The residences are versatile spaces designed for activities like yoga, painting, or simply basking in the sun. Located on the slopes of Calheta, the residences provide panoramic ocean views complemented by the tranquility of mountains and lush forests. The rooms are individual spaces filled with personality, featuring open-concept bathrooms and luxurious features. Madeira's privileged location offers access to world-class golf courses, natural beauty, and pleasant weather year-round. Enjoy the safety, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality of the locals. Madeira is a perfect retreat for a luxurious lifestyle amidst stunning nature. Discover AURORA and make Madeira your private paradise, living a life of luxury, elegance, and connection with nature. Read more
Funchalazul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda - AMI 12892
General features
General information Features Certification
  • Reference 111230192
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 2.950.000 €
  • Region Madeira
  • District Ilha da Madeira
  • County Calheta (Madeira)
  • Civil Parish Arco da Calheta
  • Area N/A
  • Gross Private Area 391m²
  • Gross Construction Area 0m²
  • Net area 205,2m²
  • Plot Area 522m²
  • State New
Hvac Air conditioning (Complete);
Sun exposure South, West;
Contact us +351 291 293 074*
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