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Lousã, Lousã e Vilarinho,

1.300.000 € Country Estate 8 Bedrooms (ref: 109210291)

Private area
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Lousã, Lousã e Vilarinho, 1.300.000 €

Country Estate 8 Bedrooms (ref: 109210291)

About the property This superb manor house is located in Quinta do Casal de S. José, with 9,941m2 of land, right in the center of Vila da Lousã and about 25 km from Coimbra.
This elegant 616m2 manor house, designed by the architect Moura Coutinho, with the collaboration of Jorge Colaço on the exterior tiles and Leopoldo Battistini on the interior tiles, was built at the beginning of the 20th century (1923) and is classified by the Ministry of Culture for its privacy and charm. It is in good condition and has three floors. On the first floor there is a one-bedroom apartment, stores, a garage and games rooms. On the second floor there are three living rooms, a kitchen, pantry, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The upper floor has six bedrooms and two bathrooms.
In addition to the main house, there are other houses and outbuildings, a swimming pool, several gardens and a beautiful avenue of linden trees. There are fruit trees and grapevines on the surrounding paths next to the walls of the property, which is fully fenced, walled and entered through three gates. At the main entrance there is a majestic century-old tile tree over thirty meters high.
There is a detailed plan, in accordance with the Lousã Municipal Master Plan, which allows the possibility of building six plots for two-storey houses and two plots for buildings with six dwellings each.
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Parque Azul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda - AMI 12029
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 109210291
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 1.300.000 €
  • Region Costa de Prata
  • District Coimbra
  • County Lousã
  • Civil Parish Lousã e Vilarinho
  • Area N/A
  • Gross Private Area 616m²
  • Gross Construction Area 0m²
  • Net area 525m²
  • Plot Area 5728m²
  • State N/A
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