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Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão,

1.200.000 € Country Estate (ref: 107220157)

Private area
Gallery About General features Location and accessibility
  • Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 19
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 19
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 2
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 3
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 4
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 5
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 6
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 7
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 8
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 9
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 10
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 11
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 12
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 13
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 14
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 15
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 16
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 17
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 18
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 20
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 21
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 22
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 23
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 24
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 25
Hotel  Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão - 55795 - 26

Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Freixo de Numão, 1.200.000 €

Country Estate (ref: 107220157)

About the property Extraordinary farmstead spanning 4570 square meters, located in Murça do Douro, currently operating as a rural tourism business. It consists of a reception desk area, a porch, a garden, an outdoor pool, a sauna, private parking, and six fully independent shale houses, totaling 10 bedrooms. These fully-equipped houses feature air conditioning, heating, fireplaces and salamander stoves. This charming rural tourism retreat also features a breakfast room and barbecue facilities.
In order to protect the village's rural heritage, these houses have been rebuilt with the utmost respect for their original design and materials, using construction techniques that are characteristic of the region. This rusticity coexists with comfort and convenience.
This countryside retreat is located 180 kilometers from the city of Porto, in the High Douro wine region, surrounded by traditional stone houses. The famous Foz Côa region (listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site) and its Archaeological Park are about 30 kilometers away. Porto International Airport is 177 kilometers away.

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Boavistazul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda. - AMI 10447
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 107220157
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 1.200.000 €
  • Region Douro
  • District Guarda
  • County Vila Nova de Foz Coa
  • Civil Parish Freixo de Numão
  • Area N/A
  • Gross Private Area 575m²
  • Gross Construction Area 0m²
  • Net area 488,75m²
  • Plot Area 4654,4m²
  • State N/A
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Location and accessibility
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