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Portalegre, Alentejo,

3.500.000 € Country Estate 13 Bedrooms (ref: 103220122)

Private area
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  • Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 8
Photos Floor Plan
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 8
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 2
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 16
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 3
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 17
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 1
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 4
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 5
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 7
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 9
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 10
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 11
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 12
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 13
Country Estate T13 Portalegre, Alentejo - 56573 - 14

Portalegre, Alentejo, 3.500.000 €

Country Estate 13 Bedrooms (ref: 103220122)

About the property 8 km from Portalegre, an area of great tourist potential, lies this charming property with 84 hectares , in the rural parish of Urra. It is a Portuguese parish in the municipality of Portalegre, in the Alentejo region. It is a small village between the great Alentejo plain and the São Mamede mountain range that stretches as far as Castelo de Vide and Marvão, bordering the neighboring country.
The Municipality of Portalegre has integrated this property, in a list of properties that the council executive reports as having high interest for the city, "whose protection and enhancement is an asset to safeguard its cultural value, considering its interest in the scope of the municipality."
In its 85 hectares of Cork Oak and Holm Oak groves with active production, an area of Olive grove and vegetable garden with fruit trees. The Manor House is spread over 2 floors, with a total area of 1,130m2, with a beautiful Chapel. The Monte was remodeled in 2004 to function as a 4-star Rural Hotel and has 7 rooms with bathroom, and one of the rooms has a private living room. Living rooms with generous fireplaces on both floors and also an elevator. Industrial kitchen, bar and large dining room, office and laundry. In the pool area has an annex with 1 apartment and 5 independent rooms, a beautiful lawned garden and children's area with a pool for children.
It also has 5 boxes / stables, agricultural storage and an uncovered riding arena.

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Travessiazul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda - AMI 8671
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 103220122
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 3.500.000 €
  • Region Alentejo
  • District Portalegre
  • County Portalegre
  • Civil Parish Urra
  • Area Alentejo
  • Gross Private Area 1130m²
  • Gross Construction Area 1130m²
  • Net area 1054m²
  • Plot Area 850000m²
  • State N/A
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