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Alcanena, Malhou, Louriceira e Espinheiro,

640.000 € Building 4 Bedrooms (ref: 109210346)

Private area
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Alcanena, Malhou, Louriceira e Espinheiro, 640.000 €

Building 4 Bedrooms (ref: 109210346)

About the property This bar with Local Accommodation with 4 suites is located in the center of a natural park in a paradisiacal landscape in the heart of Serra dos Candeeiros, at the spring of the Alviela River. The wonderful view, the noise of the water, the calm, the purity of the mountain air make this place unique in Portugal. In front of one river beach and in front of the Centro de Ciência Viva do Alviela, thirty minutes from Fátima and one hour from Lisbon.
The location of this hotel is excellent for tourism in the form of tours, excursions, adventure experiences, religious tourism, caves and many other programs that take place in Serra dos Candeeiros.
The building, built in 2019, was licensed for Local Accommodation and has had great success and good results with the most varied customers, from tourists visiting the region and walkers passing through Fátima and various parties and company meetings.
It consists of three floors where the ground floor works as a bar, ice cream shop and pastry shop, with a large living room and terrace. It is possible to transform the ground floor (or part of it) into a restaurant.
On the first floor, accessed by a wide staircase, by elevator or by an external staircase, we find a ballroom that can be used daily as an extension of the ground floor or for parties, for company events, private parties or dining room with a fantastic view of the Alviela. This room can be changed and transformed into four large bedrooms.
The second floor has four huge en-suite bedrooms which can be accessed via an elevator or an external staircase.
The entire building is equipped with air conditioning and has solar panels on the roof.
Excellent investment opportunity with good average income in a region in expansion and appreciation.
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Parque Azul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda - AMI 12029
General features
General information Certification
  • Reference 109210346
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 640.000 €
  • Region N/A
  • District Santarém
  • County Alcanena
  • Civil Parish Malhou, Louriceira e Espinheiro
  • Area N/A
  • Gross Private Area 478m²
  • Gross Construction Area 0m²
  • Net area 406m²
  • Plot Area 130m²
  • State New
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