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Angra do Heroísmo, Angra (Nossa Senhora da Conceição),

550.000 € Building (ref: 107210562)

Private area
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Angra do Heroísmo, Angra (Nossa Senhora da Conceição), 550.000 €

Building (ref: 107210562)

About the property Magnificent four-bedroom duplex apartment with a unique location, 180-degree views over the Douro river and the sea, and plenty of natural light. The first floor consists of a large 65-square-meter living room with a balcony, a kitchen with a pantry, and a guests' bathroom. The second floor features two suites and two bedrooms, one of which is currently being used as a closet for the master suite. It includes three parking spaces and a storage room. The apartment boasts excellent finishes, with wooden floorings in the living room, the bedrooms and the entrance hall, marble in the bathrooms, central heating, and double glazed windows. Very central location, close to shops, culture venues, recreation areas, and beaches.
Boavistazul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda. - AMI 10447
General features
General information Features Certification
  • Reference 107210562
  • Goal Sale
  • Sale price 550.000 €
  • Region Açores
  • District Ilha Terceira
  • County Angra do Heroísmo
  • Civil Parish Angra (Nossa Senhora da Conceição)
  • Area N/A
  • Gross Private Area 648,2m²
  • Gross Construction Area 745,77m²
  • Net area 424,66m²
  • Plot Area 202m²
  • State Used
Building Building complex (Habitation);
Contact us +351 225 569 257*
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Location and accessibility
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