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Quinta dos Alcoutins

5 Bedrooms from 1.500.000 €
Lisboa, Lumiar
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Quinta dos Alcoutins

Lisboa, Lumiar

About the development Quinta dos Alcoutins provides the tranquility of living in the countryside, just minutes from the center of Lisbon and the airport. Most of the surroundings are green areas, where the Paço do Lumiar golf course stands out. The area has private security 24/24 hours. The building is under construction and the expected completion date is on December 2018.
Parque Azul - Mediação Imobiliária, Lda - AMI 12029
Units available
Unit Price Floor Bedrooms Bathroom Garage Gross Area State Floor Plan
109200194 1.500.000 € 2 5 6 3 289m² Used View
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