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3062 properties found
  • Duplex, Marvila, Lisboa
Duplex, Marvila, Lisboa 560.000 €
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 86m2 Private area
  • Flat, Campo Pequeno, Lisboa
Flat, Campo Pequeno, Lisboa Reserved
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathroom
  • 150m2 Private area
  • Flat, Campolide, Lisboa
Flat, Campolide, Lisboa Reserved
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • 105,81m2 Private area
  • Flat, Santa Maria Maior, Lisboa
Flat, Santa Maria Maior, Lisboa 560.000 €
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 61m2 Private area
  • Duplex, Principe Real, Lisboa
Duplex, Principe Real, Lisboa 560.000 €
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathroom
  • 75m2 Private area
  • Terraced house, Castêlo da Maia, Maia
Terraced house, Castêlo da Maia, Maia 560.000 €
  • 4 Bedrooms
  • 4 Bathroom
  • 311,61m2 Construction area
  • Terraced house, São Mamede de Infesta e Senhora da Hora, Matosinhos
Terraced house, São Mamede de Infesta e Senhora da Hora, Matosinhos 560.000 €
  • 4 Bedrooms
  • 4 Bathroom
  • 388,5m2 Construction area
  • Semi-detached house, Paranhos, Porto
Semi-detached house, Paranhos, Porto 560.000 €
  • 5 Bedrooms
  • 7 Bathroom
  • 170m2 Construction area
  • Detached house, Praia D´El Rey, Óbidos
Detached house, Praia D´El Rey, Óbidos 560.000 €
  • 4 Bedrooms
  • 5 Bathroom
  • 224m2 Construction area
  • Flat, Parque das Nações, Lisboa
Flat, Parque das Nações, Lisboa 560.000 €
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 39m2 Private area
  • Flat, Quarteira, Loulé
Flat, Quarteira, Loulé 560.000 €
  • 1 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathroom
  • 69m2 Private area
  • Terraced house, Albufeira, Albufeira
Terraced house, Albufeira, Albufeira 559.000 €
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathroom
  • 186m2 Construction area
Luxury Real Estate for Sale