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3055 properties found
  • Flat, Lordelo do Ouro e Massarelos, Porto
Flat, Lordelo do Ouro e Massarelos, Porto 1.290.000 €
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathroom
  • 166m2 Private area
  • Flat, Sete Rios, Lisboa
Flat, Sete Rios, Lisboa 1.290.000 €
  • 4 Bedrooms
  • 4 Bathroom
  • 195m2 Private area
  • Flat, Benfica, Lisboa
Flat, Benfica, Lisboa 1.290.000 €
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 4 Bathroom
  • 191m2 Private area
  • Detached house, Countryside, Faro
Detached house, Countryside, Faro 1.290.000 €
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathroom
  • 189m2 Construction area
  • House, Aldeia de Juzo, Cascais
House, Aldeia de Juzo, Cascais 1.288.000 €
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathroom
  • 293m2 Construction area
  • Flat, Ajuda, Lisboa
Flat, Ajuda, Lisboa 1.280.000 €
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathroom
  • 125m2 Private area
  • Semi-detached house, Cascais e Estoril, Cascais
Semi-detached house, Cascais e Estoril, Cascais 1.280.000 €
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathroom
  • 294m2 Construction area
  • Flat, Avenida da Liberdade, Lisboa
Flat, Avenida da Liberdade, Lisboa 1.280.000 €
  • 4 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathroom
  • 210m2 Private area
  • Farm, Grândola e Santa Margarida da Serra, Grândola
Farm, Grândola e Santa Margarida da Serra, Grândola 1.280.000 €
  • 10 Bedrooms
  • 8 Bathroom
  • 569m2 Private area
  • Flat, Cascais, Cascais
Flat, Cascais, Cascais 1.279.000 €
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathroom
  • 138m2 Private area
  • Terraced house, Aldoar, Foz do Douro e Nevogilde, Porto
Terraced house, Aldoar, Foz do Douro e Nevogilde, Porto 1.275.000 €
  • 5 Bedrooms
  • 5 Bathroom
  • 414,9m2 Construction area
  • Stand, Almancil, Loulé
Stand, Almancil, Loulé 1.275.000 €
  • 600m2 Plot Area
Luxury Real Estate for Sale